Roaster’s Report - Colombia Finca Betulia Natural

Colombia Ildefanso Finca Betulia Natural coffee seeds

Source: Genuine Origin

Producer: Luis Anibal Calderon

Country: Colombia

Growing region: Huila

Elevation: 1550 masl.

Coffee varietal: Natural Process

Processing: In the natural process, only the ripest coffee cherries are harvested. The entire procedure requires thorough planning because drying naturals is a slow process that can take up to four weeks. Coffee cherries are dried whole, without removing any of the fruit, on raised beds set out in the sun. During this stage, the coffee is turned regularly to increase airflow, support even drying, and prevent spoilage. After the cherries have been dried, they rest in conditioning bins and are only hulled as the shipment time draws near.

Cupping Score: 88.5

Coffee description: Luis Anibal Calderon is somewhat of a local celebrity among Colombian coffee farmers. And for good reason. His dedication to preserving his father’s legacy and producing high quality coffee in Huila at Finca Villa Betulia is an inspiring story. This tradition is now passing down to Luis’ son, Yeison, who is taking up the mantle of managing the estate alongside his father. On this idyllic farm that sits high up in the mountains at 1550masl, they nurture over 20 rare and exceptional coffee varieties.

We taste notes of raspberry, watermelon, and strawberry.

Green coffee transparency: 325lbs @ $11.30/lb, April 2024 (Commodity coffee price: $2.21lb. Why is this important? Coffee pricing is complex and multifaceted, and sharing what we paid is an incomplete picture, but we believe in sharing the data we have available, hoping that will embolden others to do the same, with the ultimate goal of getting producers fairer pay for their excellent work.)

Length of Relationship: Genuine Origin, since 2017.

If you want to learn more about how we would brew this coffee, click here for our brew guides.